
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Craft: Home Made Stamps!

So this is my first attempt at a tutorial-type post. I'm making Thanksgiving place cards with the kids (probably just N) later this week and I didn't have any fall themed stamps. I had a mini-epiphany on how to make my own (it's so easy that I'm sure there's an identical tutorial out there somewhere) with stuff I already had.

You Will Need:

Puffy Paint or Glue Gun
Adhesive Backed Foam Sheets
Flat Glass, Mirror or Ceramic Surface
Washable Marker

 I'm terrible at writing backwards, so I used the back of a plate to lay out my text.
 Press the foam sheet to the marker before it has a chance to dry.
 I did one word at a time so that it didn't dry.
 These words were a little small for the puffy paint, but I wanted them to leave room for N's decorations on the place cards.
 These will take about 24 hours to dry, so plan ahead!
 For the decoration stamps, I just freehanded some fall-themed pictures directly onto the foam.
 If you need a stamp RIGHT AWAY you can also use a glue gun. It's not as smooth as the puffy paint and the lines are thicker, but it dries in just a few minutes.
 Pilgrim hat!
 Here they all are :)

After they dry, I'll trim them a little closer and adhere them to... something. Maybe I'll get A to cut me wooden blocks. Those small cardboard disposable jewelry boxes would also work well. We'll be using sponges to apply poster paint to the stamps in a few days. I'll update with the finished product in a few days!


Paris Grayson said...

I want to see them finished!!!

Nikki said...

Aleene's has a glue that's a temporary tack. Get that and an acrylic block and you have cling stamps.

I loved the little stamp you did with Dory's foot!

Lauren said...

oooooh! you're so smart! i'll bet even hot glue or puffy paint would pull right off of an acrylic block!

if i ever get around to trying it, i'll let you know how it works.

Janie said...