
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weather back to crap

It was easy to feel the motivation on Thursday and Friday when the weather was unseasonably warm. (60-70 in the middle of February!) It's supposed to snow 2-4 inches overnight tomorrow. Poo. I want to start my garden now that I'm thinking about it! N and I did go buy some seeds this weekend, but I still have to wait another month to start the seeds inside. I guess I need to focus my energies elsewhere for now.

I suppose my current goal is to get the inside of my house in order so that when spring finally gets here, we can spend all of our time outside. One of the daily battles that I wage with my 3 year old (actually it's MANY times a day) is over the TV. She wants to watch it all day, and I want it OFF. We've gotten into a rut of watching a show or two after breakfast, one before her afternoon nap and then again after dinner. When I write it out like this, it's embarrassing to see how much TV she watches. At least there are no commercials since we watch on Netflix or DVD. Once I manage to get the TV off, she's perfectly happy playing with her Disney figurines or "baking" me something in her kitchen. I guess little ones can get into a rut the same as us and she's just used to doing it.  It's gotten MUCH worse since winter started. The weather is crappy, I feel tied to the house with D so we can't go anywhere, when D's up she's an attention hog, and when she's sleeping N needs to keep it down.

Hmmm... goal #2? I need to find more crafty, fun and creative ways to keep N occupied and to keep the TV off. Part of that will be leading by example, since I recognize that I need to unplug myself, too. It not fair to tell N she can't watch TV when she sees me cruise by Facebook whenever I walk past the computer. The first step I took toward that was to stop playing those time hogging Facebook games. I would remember that I needed to harvest a crop or something stupid like that so I would log in just for a "minute" that inevitably turns into 30 while N is occupied. Then I think "damn, I just wasted time I could have been..." Aside from the games, I like to feel connected to friends and family that I rarely get to see. Living where we do is fabulous for the kids, but is a little remote for my liking. I love our 1.3 acres and I know that the schools are good around here, but it is at least an hour away from my family and closest friends. I need to remember that there are other ways to connect, and that not everyone is so far away. I was enjoying the nice weather and making a few phone calls on Thursday, just reconnecting with people I haven't spoken to in months, and it turns out my cousin works 20 minutes away from my house and would love to come to dinner some night when A is working late. I need to make myself take advantage of situations like this.

Anyway, this is turning into a ramble. Turn off the computer, clean the house, find something super awesome for N to do that is more attractive to her than TV. Seems like a tall order, we'll see what happens.

Beanbags for D's birthday. So they can be even more comfortable lounging in front of the TV.

Cinderelly, Cinderelly. Night and day, it's Cinderelly!


Brynn said...

it is hard to get the tv off sometimes. don't feel embarrassed! especially now that the kids actually "watch" a show! i'm in your boat with the remote feeling. my family is nearby, but friends...not so much. they're all over the place. we should get together sometime.

Lauren said...

i know, i've thought the same thing! one the weather (finally!) turns, we'll have to meet up at a park or something. i know nora and zora would have a blast playing together. maybe we'll toss a dory in there to confuse the names even more!