
Thursday, March 15, 2012

They're Classics for a Reason...

...Those simple little crafts that everyone knows about and does at least once in their lifetime. Today N, D & I went for a walk at the park. While we were "hiking" I asked N to pick up nice looking pine cones for me. While D was napping, we made Pine Cone Birdfeeders!

Here's what you need! For nut-free, you can use soy nut butter or maybe honey.

Spread it on with the knife. In a few minutes, you can give up and use your fingers.

Spread out the seeds. I used a birdbath to hold them in, and then just set the extra seeds out in it when we were finished.

Roll 'em around!

Tie on a string to hang them from.

Hang from some tree branches, and employ the 4 year old to take your picture so you have every step photographed.


We've really been enjoying the unseasonably warm weather here. N has been spending just about every waking hour outside. When we can get out and run off the sillies, everyone is so much happier!

1 comment:

Paris Grayson said...

Man, haven't done that in forever! So jealous, wish that I could spend all of my daylight outside!