
Friday, February 18, 2011

Why the blog?

I realized after I already published yesterday's blog that I didn't really cover WHY I was creating a blog for this. The main reason is for accountability. I feel that when I *think* I want to accomplish something, that there's a high mortality rate for my resolutions. When I put it out there, I'm much more likely to get it done. Case in point: last year I decided I wanted to lose weight. (Who doesn't?!) I've half-heartedly tried before, but never really got anywhere. This time I posted up on Facebook what my goals were and put up weekly updates on my progress. I managed to lose almost 40 pounds in three months, and I've kept it off for about 6 months. THAT is what I want to happen to my life. I want to make some sweeping changes, with my blog to keep me motivated, until it becomes a habit and the change is made for good. It doesn't matter if anyone reads it, because by posting, I've made the comittment. At least this way, my Facebook friends won't be subjected to it every day. If someone wants to cruise on over for a look-see, have at it. If not, don't.

Today started out pretty good. My internet was down in the morning as if it was a message from above saying "get off your butt!!" So I did. The girls and I took a walk, I did dishes and laundry and made lunch that wasn't pre-frozen. I will say that the internet is my main distraction in life. (And that I'm not oblivious to the irony of creating a blog where one of my main goals is to unplug.) We don't have cable and our antenna sucks, so I never watch TV. My other distraction is reading. While not as brainless as watching TV, it's still a time sucker when I could be doing something productive. Along those lines, I have started a new hobby that has taken the place of my mindless reading: crochet! I can do something that I don't have to think about when I need a break, but still be productive.

These little things are important, but there are larger goals on the horizon. My first big goal that is coming into play soon is starting a garden. N is happiest outside, and D will be much more steady on her feet by the spring. It seems like the ideal time to jump in. I plan on starting it inside, and then moving it all to our side yard when it gets warmer. I have to do some research to make sure I time it right, but I'll probably pick up seeds soon. I'm thinking tomatoes, squash, cucumbers... Maybe I should start reasonably and leave it at that. I'm NOT a gardener, so I have a feeling that this is going to be one of those "hard at first but becomes a habit" things. I know N will be all about it, so that should make it easier. I'll get stuff for it this weekend, I think.

See, I'm making commitments already!

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